Summer 2017

Last summer, campers and staff came from 10 different countries including Bali, China and Iceland as well as many parts of the United States. Campers played softball and soccer, fenced and used standup paddle boards in the lake.  The shop had thriving woodworking, jewelry, stained glass and crafts including leather work. In fabric arts, string bags became all the rage. 

Sings in the Main House had the rafters ringing with new songs and old favorites like Bayeza, Ticonderoga, Swimming to the Other Side, Sipping Cider Through a Straw, and others.  Over twenty days of rain a month in May and June, and regular rain in July kept the lake full even though the loss of the Mama brook dam means it is hard to get water down the feeder brook. 

Our ten days on hikes and overnighters were busy!   We had biathlon and triathlon bike hikes in addition to the traditional Canada second overnighter, and backpacking, canoeing and rock climbing hikes in the Adirondacks.  River exploration (brook slopping), berry picking and water gun ambush continue to be popular hikes for younger campers.

The oldest boys and girls did a terrific job of helping us set a positive tone and thoroughly enjoyed their leadership roles.  Commando raids were sprung after the whole camp had gathered for a photo under the cargo net.  In the All Star Softball game the campers won after a well played game by all. The staff were initially behind but evened the score to a tie with a last minute goal during the All Star Soccer game. The theme of Barter Day was superheroes and the currency was three N’eer Do Well Mustaches to a Spandex Superhero.  The musical was Honk!   The story of the ugly duckling finding acceptance and family even though he was different resonates even more these days.

Camp continues to provide an unparalleled experience for young people by providing a safe place to risk new challenges as well as to raise social consciousness and recognition of the importance of making a positive impact on one’s community and the world at large. With the challenges and divisions in contemporary American society it is an exciting time to run camp. Camp is as relevant and as necessary now as it has been at any time in our history. To keep our mission going, we count on the consistent support of our alumni.


Summer 2018


Summer 2016