Camp Killooleet is a sleepaway camp for children aged 9 – 14, nestled in the Green Mountains of Hancock, Vermont. For almost 100 years, Killooleet has fostered a close-knit, screen-free, non-competitive community where children are able to grow, gain confidence, and leave with a better understanding of themselves and the world around them

At Killooleet, every aspect of camp is intentional. We begin the summer building strong cabin groups and friendships. This base supports children as they explore their individual interests. After trying all of the activities and going on a camping trip with their cabin group, our campers learn to plan their daily schedules, allowing them to specialize in their favorite activities while still enjoying a well-rounded variety of arts and sports activities.  During the second full week of camp, campers begin establishing friendships outside of the cabin through shared activities and hikes. Campers also begin to utilize our unique combination of structured and unstructured time, allowing them to craft their ideal summer.   The combination of “recall” and “choice” periods allows campers the opportunity both to set goals and work toward achieving them, and to respond spontaneously to the needs of each day.  Weekly hikes and two overnight trips ensure campers experience Vermont’s natural beauty firsthand. 

Through this time-tested program, Killooleet becomes a camper’s ‘second family’ and they bring their confidence and accomplishments home at the end of the season.

Learn more about how Camp Killooleet works

What’s New?

New in Alumni News: “No Scapegoating.” Just like you, we are watching the alarming rise of hate speech and hateful actions;  the dismantling of decades of hard-won protections for workers, people of color, women asserting control of their own bodies, members of the LGBTQ+ community, undocumented people, and others… Read more from Kate & Dean here.

Have you read the great New York Times article that we were featured in? You can read it here

How has Killooleet changed lives?

Camper Perin Fine tried to answer that question for a school prjoect. You can listen to her amazing podcast by clicking the play button on the left.

Thanks Perin!

Also, check out this audio file recorded by Jo Sittenfeld, who describes it as:

A compilation of voices from 20ish years ago. Adult former counselors and campers looking back on how camp has informed their current lives. 


We thought you might find these useful - Click on the picture to read the article.

‘The Benefits of Sending your kid to Overnight Camp’ - Today’s Parent

‘Homesick & Happy’ - NY Times

‘Help your Child Combat the Homesick Blues’ - Washington Post


Killooleet campers and staff hold a wide range of socio-economic, religious, racial, ethnic, and gender identities.   Our goal is to build a community each summer in which everyone feels welcomed, recognized,  and supported, and in which everyone can reduce the amount of energy they need to spend defending themselves as they go through their day.   We ask and expect everyone to help us create this community by accepting and honoring each member of the community for who they are, and helping them grow in their understanding of each other.